Charter Members
Abbott, Roswell & Dora
Andrews, James & Rena
Barnes, Adelaide
Clark, Harold & Frances
Comey, Wilson & Evelyn
Cook, Elgina
Cook, Gertrude
Day, Russell - President
Doe, Wilfred & Marion - Board of Directors
Drown, Lawrence
Drummey, James & Anne
Duncan, Louis & Edna
Dunnells, Dorothy - Corresponding Secretary
Feeley, Joseph & Velma - Program Committee
Ferguson, George & Mary
Ferguson, Robert
Ferren, Theodore & Edith - Board of Directors & Program Committee
Fossa, Kenneth & Thelma
Gallant, Jeddy
Gerrish, Paul
Goodwin, Arthur & Esther
Hall, Joseph & Helen
Hewey, Clifford & Arlene
Horn, Kathleen
Hubbard, Ralph & Marion
Kline, Allen & Martha - Program Committee
Kurz, Cecil & Eleanor
LaCross, Loretta
Mann, Clyde & Jessie - Recording Secretary
Mann, William
Mee, George - Treasurer
Mee, Marcia
Ridley, Gladys
Shackley, Roy
Sibley, Herbert & Helen
Simpson, Lucille
Treadwell, Malcolm & Olive - Vice President
Wilson, James
Winchell, Avis & Dana
Worster, Dr. George & Bernice - Board of Directors
Wright, Elodia
Yeaton, Lorraine