Acton-Shapleigh Historical Society

Preserving Our Heritage

Welcome to the official website of the Acton~Shapleigh Historical Society.  Please take a moment to browse around and see what we are all about and how we can help you.

Is History Merely a Dry Subject Confined to the Pages of a Textbook?


Hardly.  History is real, and is going on, all around us, all the time—you can’t get away from it!  And, like it or not, you are “making history” by merely existing.  Several generations from now, an eager genealogist will be taking great pleasure in attempting to document the name of both you and your children, and the events that shaped your lives.

Established in 1964, the Acton ~ Shapleigh Historical Society has been actively preserving the history of these two towns.  As with most historical societies, we were a vibrant and thriving society.  The vast majority of our donations are from families who lived and/or continue to live in this area.  Many of these families were some of the original homesteaders.

As with any privately funded organization, we have had our share of difficult challenges to overcome and have always prided ourselves with the ability to rise to the occasion.  The last major facility improvements were made in the 1970's and as with  your own homes, constant maintenance and updating is critical.  These repairs can be both expensive to purchase and to maintain, not to mention time-consuming.  What price would you pay to have back an item from your past that was lost?  Our goal is to preserve the items we currently house, as well as provide a safe and secure home for all future items.

Our dedicated members organize & categorize these items, assist and educate the public as well as provide fresh ideas for the direction of the Society.